Melody Sylvestre

Hi and welcome to my portfolio.

I'm Melody, a full-stack software developer based in Bristol.

About me

A drawing of someone using a laptop while taking notes on a notepad.

Hi, I'm Melody! I recently graduated from the iO Academy bootcamp as a full stack software developer. With 10 years of experience in coding from my previous roles as an astrophysicist and an operational researcher in international trade, I bring strong problem-solving skills and a knack for quickly learning and adapting to new technologies and fields. I believe these skills will enable me to excel in my software development career.

I'm curious and thrive on challenges, especially those that push me outside of my comfort zone. Coding is my passion, and I'm excited to pursue these interests in my new journey as a software developer.

Here's a list of a few technologies and methodologies I have been working on:

  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • C
  • HTML / CSS
  • React.JS
  • Node.js
  • MySQL / MongoDB
  • OOP
  • Git
  • Agile
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As a student of the iO Academy full stack software development course, I have worked on several personal and team projects. You will find below a brief description of each of them.

Screenshot of Company website

Company website

I created a website for a fictional company as a personal project. On the frontend, I used React.JS and more particularly the React Router library to create the different pages and elements of this website. Styling was implemented with SCSS. For the backend, I created a REST API in PHP using the MVC framework Slim, in order to link the frontend with the MySQL database. The content of the banner on the homepage is fetched from the database using a GET request to this API. Users' answers to the form on the "Contact us" page are stored in the database by sending a POST request to the API.

Screenshot of Margarater website

Pizza toppings rater

A website where you can vote for your favourite pizza toppings! We used a MERN stack to create a website where users can either choose their favourite topping among 2 randomly selected toppings or see the top 10 toppings from all the votes. On the frontend, I created the card components in which the toppings are displayed, using React.JS, Typescript and SCSS. I used Node.js, Express.js and Typescript on the backend to implement the endpoint that allows saving the users' votes in the MongoDB database with a POST request.

Screenshot of our typing speed game Pro-to-type


This is a typing speed game where players have 60s to copy a randomly generated text. At the end of the game, they can see their typing speed and accuracy scores. We used JavaScript, HTML and CSS to create this app. I worked on various functionalities of this app such as fetching a random text to copy from an API with a GET request, comparing the player's input to the reference text and a timer. I was also scrum master for this project.

Screenshot of the data provided by the project management API

Project management API

We created a backend RESTful API for a project management app with PHP and SQL. We used OOP to create endpoints following the SOLID principles for the application architecture, allowing users to display all the projects from the database or a specific project. I worked on the class containing the details of a project, unit testing with PHPUnit and error handling.

Screenshot of our food app.

Food Delivery App

We developed the frontend for a food delivery app using Bootstrap CSS and React.JS. I implemented the React components that allow diners to choose a restaurant, fetch its menu from a supplied API with a GET request and display it on the webpage.

A random image

iO Academy Portal

We contributed to the development of management software for iO Academy, which would handle the logistics of its training courses. We implemented a feature allowing students to edit their profile. I worked on the PHP backend. I used the existing Slim framework to implement a new endpoint for the API so that the new data are validated, sanitised, and added to the MySQL database.

Screenshot my yarn collection app

Collection app

A simple PHP app to visualise a yarn stash. It interrogates a MySQL database and displays all its items in a pre-defined format, with minimal CSS styling. I used PHPUnit to test the functions of this app.

Contact me

You can get in touch with me, preferably by email - but you can also contact me on LinkedIn or Github.

An email logo LinkedIn logo GitHub logo